Last Thursday (19/7), the new GoWork Pacific Place’s Grand Opening Night brought out people from many businesses of various industries, interests and — most importantly — styles.

We had 500+ guest fill our space to the brim. Most of them were prominent individuals from respected companies and media, and most importantly, members of our diverse network of community. We pulled out all the stops to entertain our guest, and to make sure that our guests will have a Grand Opening Night to remember (wink!). We served the best wine and canapés in town, a nice cherry on top of the whole array of things to enjoy in the event.

The MC, the equally-eloquent-and-beautiful Shafira (@shafiraumm), kicked off the night by revealing our plans for the future with two of our founders, Vanessa and Richard, especially the six new spaces that we are going to open. Yes, you heard us right—six new spaces on prime locations in Jakarta’s Central Business District area, and we still have some more plans up our collective sleeves, so make sure you stay tuned for more info on them by subscribing to our newsletter.

Following that, was a toast by all of our founders, to the new workspace and to the future ahead of us. Also, Charlie Coulson (@charliecoulsons) makes an appearance.

After that, was the most important part of the whole event: networking. The wine flowed, and the canapés served, as people chatted and connected. We even had a game room set up, complete with a classic Sega Genesis gamepad connected to a huge screen for all to enjoy.

We invited the hottest talk of the town to host the grand opening night: J Ryan Karsten (@jryankarsten) and Elizabeth Rahajeng (@elizrahajeng). Sufficient to say that the floor was filled with all sorts of amazing guests.

Not to mention the beats delivered by DJ DARDO that provided the perfect atmospheric blanket to the whole party.

With that, the whole night was a perfect wrap to cover the Grand Opening our newest space. If you feel like you’re missing out, don’t worry, because even though the Grand Opening Night was over, GoWork Pacific Space will stay open as long as you need it to!

Make sure to visit us on the 2nd Level of Pacific Place, and we’ll be sure to show you around your future workspace!